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Solar Water Heaters

Solar water heating system is a device that helps in heating water by using the energy from the SUN. This energy is totally free. Solar energy (sun rays) is used for heating water through evacuated tubes. Water is easily heated to a temperature of 60-80o C.

Solar water heaters (SWHs) of 100-300 liters capacity are suited for domestic use. Larger systems can be used in restaurants, canteens, guest houses, hotels, hospitals etc. A 100 liters capacity SWH can replace an electric geyser for residential use and may save approximately 1500 units of electricity annually.

Similarly, the use of 1000 SWHs can contribute to a peak load saving of approximately 1 MW.

A SWH of 100 liters capacity can prevent emission of 1.5 tones of carbon dioxide per year

Solar water heating system is a device that helps in heating water by using the energy from the SUN. This energy is totally free. Solar energy (sun rays) is used for heating water through evacuated tubes. Water is easily heated to a temperature of 60-80o C.

Solar water heaters (SWHs) of 100-300 liters capacity are suited for domestic use. Larger systems can be used in restaurants, canteens, guest houses, hotels, hospitals etc. A 100 liters capacity SWH can replace an electric geyser for residential use and may save approximately 1500 units of electricity annually.

Similarly, the use of 1000 SWHs can contribute to a peak load saving of approximately 1 MW.

A SWH of 100 liters capacity can prevent emission of 1.5 tones of carbon dioxide per year